Monday, August 13, 2012

City Gardening

Growing up in the country, I didn't really think about or truly appreciate the availability of space, size of a yard...or even the existence of a yard for that matter. Ironically it wasn't until I lived in town that I actually started to garden. This summer Karl and I decided to tackle the challenge of gardening in a space with no yard and limited accessibility to a watering system. (Yes, we really wanted a garden!!!) I am so excited to share with you some pictures of our flourishing little garden on our balcony! 


Can you pick out the different herbs and plants? There's rosemary, mint, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and loads of different types of basil. I absolutely love having fresh produce! Here's a few recipes that I've made using our home grown goods: lots of pesto; chicken, white wine, and herb packets (delicious and easy!); mojitos; and of course a classic with basil...caprese salad.

Whether you grow it yourself or get it from a local farmers market, the accessibility of fresh produce in the summer is always a treat! What's your favorite summer dish? 

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